Minutes of the 11/10/2009 WAC Meeting

WAC Meeting Minutes: C. Renaud, D. Steege, K. Young (registrar’s rep), J. Preston, R. Matthews, B. Short, E. Montanarro, J. Marshall, A. Cassidy, M. Snavely

Tuesday, November 10th

I.              Approval of minutes from October 27th




II.              Course Proposals

              MLAN 271                            Cyganiak (revised) (revisions accepted)

              SOCW 310                            Geary (revised) (revisions accepted)

              SOCW 253                            Geary (revised) (revisions accepted)

              MRKT 490                            Owens (amended) (accepted)

              Chinese 450                            Yang (WI in Chinese: accepted)

              MGMT 490                            Fields (accepted, but he needs to be certified)


III.              Update from adult education: Training to be set up on nights or weekends for adjuncts in adult education.  We need a representative from adult education to come to our meetings, preferably Diane. We look forward to seeing her at the next meeting, the second Tues. in Dec. The committee hopes to oversee academic integrity for all classes as far as writing throughout the college.


IV.              Update from WATF/WAC: Depts. might want to assess writing in their own disciplines. WAC would be in charge of programmatic disciplines. What evidence do we have of writing improvement? Rubrics, prompts, goals and outcomes are needed for each dept. It is time to have these conversations at the dept. levels. Chris will be talking to Greg Baer to see what might be coordinated.


First step of the WATF is to meet as a committee. Jean, Rick, Udry, Ulrich, D. Miller, Chris are currently on it. Membership needs to be considered.  A rotation should be established.  Divisional representation needs to occur.


V.              Unfinished Business: The writing manual may come out of Heritage and into the whole college.  CSS might a home for it. We can personalize the manuals at no extra charge.  This is more than Heritage and the students can’t sell them back.  Jean is working with Gary Williams on this task. A copy should go to each faculty member to use in their classes.


V.              New Business: the website has a WAC page, thanks to Elizabeth. Next meeting is Dec. 8 at 8:15am.



Fear the Fish

Minutes of the 10/27/2009 WAC Meeting

WAC Meeting Minutes: Attendance: A. Cassidy, J. Preston, B. Short, J. Marshall, D. Steege, K. Oldani, R. Matthews, M. Snavely

Tuesday, October 27th

I. Approval of minutes from October 13th


II. Waiver Requests

EDUC 201: J-term 2007; two students filed; denied.

III. Course Proposals

CRMJ 302 R. Matthews: approved

MGMT 371 C. O’Brien: approved

EDUC 325 P. Moore: approved

SOCI 499 S. Lyng: approved with promise to take the workshop

SOCI 204 M. Unger (revised and resubmitted): approved; discussion ensued

SOCI 271 Somlai: approved

BUSA 330 D. Gillespie (revised and resubmitted): approved

CDM 271 J. Bruning: approved

CLAS/RELI 275 C. Renaud: approved

CLAS 245 C. Renaud: approved: Rick contacting about exam

CLAS/RELI 275 C. Renaud: approved

CLAS 325 C. Renaud: approved

MLAN 271 S. Cyganiak: Rick contacting about lack of feedback/revision; resubmitting proposal; approved pending revision

SOCW 310 D. Geary: Rick contacting about lack of feedback/revision; resubmitting proposal; approved pending revision

SOCW 253 D. Geary: Rick contacting about lack of feedback/revision; resubmitting proposal; approved pending revision

POLS 325 P. Ulrich: approved

MRKT 490 J. Owens: Unclear about feedback process: Rick contacting; asking for clarification via email; approved pending revision.

ENGL 201 A. Duncan: approved retroactively due to clerical error

ENGL 106 A. Duncan: approved retroactively due to clerical error

ENGL 303 A. Duncan: approved retroactively due to clerical error

ENGL 271 A. Duncan: approved

MUSC 471 D. Shapovalov: approved

IV. Unfinished Business:

Discoveries from the proposal reviews:

· Writing workshop training for next year should include some discussion/instruction on what should be included in the proposal

· Courses that are taught as writing intensive must submit a proposal to the committee; adult education and otherwise.

· Adult education should be sending a representative to our meeting.

· This is the last time the committee is approving courses retroactively.

· Rick will be having contact adult education for organizing further coordination.

V. New Business

WAC Trained Faculty, 2009

The following faculty members completed the WAC training session in the fall of 2009.

Greg Baer
Julie Dahlstrom
Tim Eckert
Joanne Freitag
Danielle Geary
Donald Gillespie
Laurie Jensen
Ken Lenz
Joy Mast
Brent McClintock
Martin McClendon
Richard Meier
Yamina Mermer
Prisca Moore
Colleen O’Brien
Barrington Ottman
Michele Stander
Alexander Tiahnybok
Joseph Wall
Marianne Unger

Minutes of the 10/13/2009 Meeting

Present: Snavely, Matthews, Marshall, Preston, Short, Montanaro, Steege, Hanna, Renaud, Cassidy.

Tuesday, October 13th

I. Approval of minutes from September 15th: approved


II. Election of chair: Snavely

III. Membership renewal: Barb and Jonathan: FEC contact

IV. New Course Proposals: Short to be emailing approvals
M. Stander, SOCI 141: approved
J. Wall, MGMT 4xx: approved pending consultation with Matthews for feedback clarification.
B. Ottman, CRMJ 499: approved
K. Greene, ART 4xx: approved
D. Gillespie, BUSA 330: tabled pending Matthews consultation with syllabus alignment.
M. Unger, SOCI 204: tabled pending Matthews consultation with feedback to learn and cumulative tool.
G. Williams, ENS 200: approved

V. Update on waivers/SAAR: no more waivers for WAC. SAAR will take care of this task.

VI. Waiver Requests
Nicole Newton, Education: EDUC 201, 2007 request needed from instructor to clarify in a letter promises made about this course being WI certified. Steege to contact instructor.

VII. Unfinished Business: Chris R. writing assessment task force request. What is the role of the task force? What can WAC contribute? WAC doesn’t set course goals. HOC has oversight of the skill goals for writing and has met once. Western Heritage oversight should be doing their assessment as well as Global Heritage oversight. Assessment is one of the two big things they do. Dept. are also working on assessment. How can the task force bring assessment under one umbrella or disperse?

VIII. New Business: cut off date of Oct. 27th for cut off for making a course writing intensive for J-term and Spring.

Minutes of the 9/15/2009 Meeting

WAC Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, September 15th

Attendance: Mark Snavely, David Steege, Abby Hanna, Rick Matthews, Ed Montanaro, Jonathan Marshall, Barb Short, Jean Preston, Anne Cassidy

I. Approval of minutes from May 11th: approved


II. New Course Proposals: Barb will send emails.

Joe Walls MGMT XXX: International and Cultural Finances of the United Kingdom; approved

Mark will take care of documenting email approvals.

Add Stephanie Mitchell to the senior seminar on Steve Udry’s proposal for fall.

III. Waiver Requests

Emily Royals, Graphic Design: Does she have room to take a WI class sometime this year? Doesn’t fit with the consequences. She was put on alert with a request last May. Denied.

Nicole Newton, Education: Can’t accept retroactive credit for a WI credit; denied.

Matthews Tokarz, Broad Field Social Science: Denied substitution of Classics 300, but waived the requirement due to circumstances beyond his control.

Discussion about classes being specific to instructor in a dept. and not all sections being designated WI.

Abby will contact the students. Rick will contact Dennis Munk.

IV. Waiver Policy after this year

Waivers (petitions) will be handed by SAAR. After the SAAR meeting, Rick, Mark, Abby, and David will meet with the committee to go over guidelines.

V. Unfinished Business

VI. New Business

Meeting time: Keep Tuesday at 8:30am-9:30am once a month. Second Tues. Oct. 13th.

Updates for current classes: we need to find a way to do this and have it on file.

Start thinking long term and more strategic; assessment issues.

Minutes of the 5/11/2009 WAC Committee Meeting

WAC Meeting Agenda

Monday, May 11th, 12:10 to 1:00, Lentz Hall 332

1. Western Heritage: Draft proposal from Ben (files attached to message) Ben’s proposals were reviewed and discussed as advisory. Rick is communicating feedback.

2. Waivers:

Joseph LaMattina: Dismissed for lack of necessity; not transferring in WAC credits. He has completed his writing intensive courses. Sociology and History.

Kristin Kapitan: Approved; the Asian Studies class was not writing intensive when she took it. She can take both classes outside of the major.

Emily Royals: Dismissed for lack of necessity; she has opportunities within the major (4 CDM courses WI available).

Andrew Zizzo: Denied; backup plan for taking a WI course this summer.

Chris Snyder: Approved; no course currently or rarely available.

Nancy Wedge: Denied; no advisor’s report, inaccuracies.

Michelle Oksa: Approved for graduation from night program

Christina Sibilsky: Approved writing intensive course in the major from night program.

3. New Course proposals: taken by email

Yang & Schlichting 4/29

Bill Miller 5/3

Mike West 5/4

4. WAC workshops: August 31, September 1, 2. Rick will be sending out information as he confirms information.

Minutes of the 5/4/2009 Meeting

WAC Meeting Agenda

Monday, May 4th, 12:10 to 1:00, Lentz Hall 332

(Continuation of unfinished business from the April 27th meeting)

Minutes from last week were approved.

V. Jean Preston—Update from Writing Center: multiple visits are increasing, appointments for next year classes are in order, seniors and freshman are our biggest users, Heritage is the largest client base, mechanics and structure organization are the most errors. A new staff is hired, trained, and ready for fall.

VI. Waiver request from Andrew Steeves in Business Administration (Adult Education, Mike West): approved writing intensive requirement in the major previous. Now wants the other requirement waived. Not the student’s fault that these were not offered. He didn’t argue persuasively that the second wasn’t work. He hasn’t been in classes the entire term and thought both classes were waived. He got a notice from the registrar 12/06 that he hadn’t completed the requirements. He ran out of options to take the courses. Waivers had happened in the past. He has completed 157 credits and plans on graduating this semester.

Mike reported that most majors are in place so this issue should not happen in the future.

Request granted.

VII. Rick—Update on AT 480 and Education Dept./Adult Education

(see attached)

Waiver from Elizabeth Polansky: Adult Education. Elizabeth doesn’t have a class. Approve a waiver.

Laurie Jensen’s email & course proposal in Athletic Training with Rick: Eating Disorders and Drug Policy Manuals: 30% combined, 10-20 pages, 5 pages in literature reviews. Rick is satisfied about the minor concerns of the courses. She has schedule conflicts with the training in the fall. She teaches the senior seminar and the course should be writing intensive. AT has writing imbedded in all areas of their major. One example is the summaries on their patients. If the implication of certification is part of a major, then the instructors should all be certified. She needs to come to as much of the workshop as possible and make a commitment to attend.

Course is approved with condition for workshop attendance. WAC is open to working with them on the certification of the AT. The rest of the AT major certification would require their faculty to become certified. Rick will contact Laurie.

Dan Rufner’s request—WI Major: initial opening conversation about the process.

VIII. Western Heritage: Request from Chris Lynch (handout) Shop carefully for another WI course or take another course.

The rest of the agenda will be discussed at next week’s meeting. May 11 at 12:10 in the Snap-on room.

IX. Western Heritage: Draft proposal from Ben (files attached to message)

X. New Course proposals

Yang & Schlichting

Bill Miller

Mike West

XI. Unfinished Business

VII. New Business

Minutes of the 4/27/2009 meeting

WAC Meeting Agenda

Monday, April 27th, 12:10 to 1:00, Lentz Hall 332

I. Approval of Minutes from April meeting (https://wac.carthage.edu/)

II. Tentative workshop dates: August 31, Sept. 1, & 2.

Aug 31 a.m. chair’s session

Aug 31 p.m. new to WAC session

Sept. 1 & 2, a.m. & p.m. WAC principles, creating assignments, etc.

List of faculty and adult education: taught already or scheduled to teach.

II. New course proposals—Mark

Tim Eckert: CHEM 400: senior seminar Fall of 2009: passed

Bill Miller: CRMJ 304: Police and Society (adult education) Summer of 2009: passed

Laurie Jensen: AT 408: administration in athletic training: Resubmission: Fall of 2009: Questions about the actual assignments: Rick is asking to confirm

Danielle Geary: SOCW 240: Human Behavior in the Social Environment: Fall of 2009: (contact Ruth Fangmeier): Four essay exams don’t count: passed

Danielle Geary: SOCW 220: Child Welfare Policy and Practice (contact Ruth F.): passed

Rick Matthews: SOC 227: Juvenile Delinquency (adult education) Summer of 2009: passed

III. Waiver Requests (Abigail Hanna & Rick Matthews)

Brett Harmeling: Has he taken or going to be taking other writing intensives in the major? Both classes: EDUC 201 and GEO 206.

Elizabeth Polanski: Education class is offered this summer. Writing intensive section in adult education has not been put into effect. Tabling this proposal until Rick can talk to Mike a bit more.

V. Jean Preston—Update from Writing Center

VI. Rick—Update on AT 480 and Education Dept./Adult Education

VII. Unfinished Business

VIII. New Business

We will finish items V-VIII next Monday, May 4 at 12:10 in the Snap-On room.

Respectfully submitted, Barbara Short

Minutes of the 4/6/2009 WAC Committee Meeting

WAC Committee Meeting Minutes – 4/6/09

The meeting was called to order at 12:05.

The agenda was then addressed.

1. The minutes from the previous meeting were approved

2. The following WI proposals were approved:

Jon Bruning, CDM 400
Rick Meier, ENGL 303 and 304
Joy Mast, GEOS 400
Mark Miller/Cathy Duffy, MGMT 490
Biology Faculty, Cell and Molecular Biology and Senior Seminar
(approval based on Departmental approach for teaching these courses)

The following WI proposal was tabled:
Laurie Jensen, AT 408

3. Waiver Requests

A waiver request for Elizabeth Polanski was tabled.

4. Adult Education Proposal

The committee considered a proposal from Adult Education regarding the transition to Western Heritage.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jean Preston