Minutes of the 4/23/08 Meeting

April 23, 2008

Present: Steege, Snavely, Cassidy, Wallace, Montanaro, Matthews, Bonn

1. WI proposals.

Cassidy Art courses (Art 224 and Art 305) passed
Rothstein Modern Languages 471 (Topics) passed
Easley EDUC 322 Reading and Language Arts passed
Easley & Rieman EDUC 352 Developmental and Content Reading Area
Maleske PSYC 370 Thesis Development Tabled, Alan will talk with him

2. Waivers

Matthew Zielinski, chemistry approved because he’s a transfer student and no chemistry course will be offered before he graduates in spring 2009.

3. International WAC Conference—Rick

Matthews and Trautwein will attend, Matthews plans to attend a pre-session to have a team of experts give feedback on the development of WAC at Carthage. .

4. August writing workshops draft:

Alan and Rick are working together on the sessions for the August workshop.

Meeting adjourned at 1:00