Minutes of the 10/5/12 WAC Committee Meeting

Writing Across the Curriculum

Minutes from 10/5/12 Committee Meeting

The meeting opened with the selection of a committee chair and committee secretary.  Mark Snavely agreed to continue as chair for this year, and Jean Preston volunteered to act as secretary.

The committee considered Julie Dahlstrom’s course proposal for “The Fiction of Science Fiction,” GNRXXX.  The proposal passed, pending clarification of the required number of pages and the type and amount of feedback on writing assignments.  Rick Matthews will request this clarification.

The suggestion was made to include a field on the WI proposal form for the number of pages required.  Mark Snavely will request that this field be added to the proposal form.

Jean Preston and Nick Tackes gave a presentation on the Writing Center’s Spring 2012 statistics, the new online scheduling program, and the online writing manual, Writer’s Help.

Rick Matthews spoke briefly about the summer WAC workshops, the committee’s success in meeting its goals last year, and goals for the coming year (including a W.I. course update procedure).  The new goals will be discussed in more detail at the committee’s next meeting.

There was a brief discussion about the expectations for departmental assessment of W.I. outcomes.

Rick Matthews will send out a new “Doodle” survey to try to find a meeting time that works for all or most of the committee members.