Minutes of the 2/22/11 WAC Meeting

WAC Minutes
February 22nd, 2010

Present: Abigail Hanna, David Steege, Mark Snavely, Ron Cronovich, Ed Montanaro, Barbara Short, Rick Matthews.

The minutes from the November meetings were approved.

We discussed the issue of deadlines for WI courses submitted on the schedule for next fall.

The following action will be taken:

Around March 4th, Abigail will send Mark and Rick a copy of all WI courses and instructors on the fall schedule.

Rick and Mark will check that list against the list of approved WI courses and instructors, and notify departments of any inconsistencies.

The deadline for course proposals will be March 11th.

The committee will meet to approve course proposals before advising begins on March 21st.

Any courses that are not approved by WAC by March 21st will have their WI status removed for fall term.

We will meet on 3/15/11 and 4/12/11, from noon to 1:00. Committee members agreed that Tuesdays, 12-1:00 are a good time to meet. Other meetings, if necessary, will be scheduled at this time.

We discussed creating a course renewal process. Major questions and concerns that were discussed were:

The spirit of the renewal is to have people look at their original submission and take note of changes they have made, ostensibly based on whether particular assignments met course goals and objectives (which is a crucial component of assessment).

Time: three year renewal cycle seems most reasonable.

Enforcement and verification. What to do with courses that aren’t renewed? Consensus seems to be to remove WI status.

Whether a syllabus should be included with the renewal: consensus seems to be yes.

Old data base needs to be migrated to the new form. If someone needs the old information, Mark has it. Anything new should be stored.

Can we make this really easy? i.e., just click on a button and submit a syllabus and note significant changes to the course? We don’t want to make this onerous.

We agreed to continue this discussion at our next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 1:00

Minutes of the 3/22/11 WAC Meeting

WAC Minutes


Present: Ron Cronovich, Mark Snavely, Anne Cassidy, David Steege, Abigail Hanna, Ed Montanaro, Rick Matthews, Jean Preston

The minutes from the previous meeting were approved.

The following courses were approved:

Joe Wall: MGT 4050 Security Portfolio Analysis (update?)

Caryl Pagel: ENG 2050 Creative Writing (she will complete the workshops in the fall)

Ilyse Bombicino: CDM 4030 Senior Seminar in Public Relations

Jennifer Winkler: SWK220 Topics in Child Welfare

Isabel MLN 4000T Modern Francophone Cultures Through Film and Multimedia

Sarah Rubenfeld: ENV 1600 Introduction to Environmental Science (she will complete the workshops in the fall)

Sarah Rubenfeld: ENV 4000 Environmental Science Senior Seminar

We approved a common syllabus for BIO 4120 Senior Thesis, and the following faculty who teach the course:

Patrick Pfaffle
Elaine Radwanski
Scott Hegrenes
Kristopher Koudelka
Temple Burling
Tracy Gartner
Dan Choffnes
Thomas Carr
Deanna Byrnes
Dana Garrigan
Deborah Tobiason

Matthews agreed to send reminders to History and Geography about missing course proposals.

Update: Eric Pullin, HST 2200 Historical Methods was approved via email