Minutes of the 11/10/2009 WAC Meeting

WAC Meeting Minutes: C. Renaud, D. Steege, K. Young (registrar’s rep), J. Preston, R. Matthews, B. Short, E. Montanarro, J. Marshall, A. Cassidy, M. Snavely

Tuesday, November 10th

I.              Approval of minutes from October 27th




II.              Course Proposals

              MLAN 271                            Cyganiak (revised) (revisions accepted)

              SOCW 310                            Geary (revised) (revisions accepted)

              SOCW 253                            Geary (revised) (revisions accepted)

              MRKT 490                            Owens (amended) (accepted)

              Chinese 450                            Yang (WI in Chinese: accepted)

              MGMT 490                            Fields (accepted, but he needs to be certified)


III.              Update from adult education: Training to be set up on nights or weekends for adjuncts in adult education.  We need a representative from adult education to come to our meetings, preferably Diane. We look forward to seeing her at the next meeting, the second Tues. in Dec. The committee hopes to oversee academic integrity for all classes as far as writing throughout the college.


IV.              Update from WATF/WAC: Depts. might want to assess writing in their own disciplines. WAC would be in charge of programmatic disciplines. What evidence do we have of writing improvement? Rubrics, prompts, goals and outcomes are needed for each dept. It is time to have these conversations at the dept. levels. Chris will be talking to Greg Baer to see what might be coordinated.


First step of the WATF is to meet as a committee. Jean, Rick, Udry, Ulrich, D. Miller, Chris are currently on it. Membership needs to be considered.  A rotation should be established.  Divisional representation needs to occur.


V.              Unfinished Business: The writing manual may come out of Heritage and into the whole college.  CSS might a home for it. We can personalize the manuals at no extra charge.  This is more than Heritage and the students can’t sell them back.  Jean is working with Gary Williams on this task. A copy should go to each faculty member to use in their classes.


V.              New Business: the website has a WAC page, thanks to Elizabeth. Next meeting is Dec. 8 at 8:15am.



Fear the Fish

Minutes of the 10/27/2009 WAC Meeting

WAC Meeting Minutes: Attendance: A. Cassidy, J. Preston, B. Short, J. Marshall, D. Steege, K. Oldani, R. Matthews, M. Snavely

Tuesday, October 27th

I. Approval of minutes from October 13th


II. Waiver Requests

EDUC 201: J-term 2007; two students filed; denied.

III. Course Proposals

CRMJ 302 R. Matthews: approved

MGMT 371 C. O’Brien: approved

EDUC 325 P. Moore: approved

SOCI 499 S. Lyng: approved with promise to take the workshop

SOCI 204 M. Unger (revised and resubmitted): approved; discussion ensued

SOCI 271 Somlai: approved

BUSA 330 D. Gillespie (revised and resubmitted): approved

CDM 271 J. Bruning: approved

CLAS/RELI 275 C. Renaud: approved

CLAS 245 C. Renaud: approved: Rick contacting about exam

CLAS/RELI 275 C. Renaud: approved

CLAS 325 C. Renaud: approved

MLAN 271 S. Cyganiak: Rick contacting about lack of feedback/revision; resubmitting proposal; approved pending revision

SOCW 310 D. Geary: Rick contacting about lack of feedback/revision; resubmitting proposal; approved pending revision

SOCW 253 D. Geary: Rick contacting about lack of feedback/revision; resubmitting proposal; approved pending revision

POLS 325 P. Ulrich: approved

MRKT 490 J. Owens: Unclear about feedback process: Rick contacting; asking for clarification via email; approved pending revision.

ENGL 201 A. Duncan: approved retroactively due to clerical error

ENGL 106 A. Duncan: approved retroactively due to clerical error

ENGL 303 A. Duncan: approved retroactively due to clerical error

ENGL 271 A. Duncan: approved

MUSC 471 D. Shapovalov: approved

IV. Unfinished Business:

Discoveries from the proposal reviews:

· Writing workshop training for next year should include some discussion/instruction on what should be included in the proposal

· Courses that are taught as writing intensive must submit a proposal to the committee; adult education and otherwise.

· Adult education should be sending a representative to our meeting.

· This is the last time the committee is approving courses retroactively.

· Rick will be having contact adult education for organizing further coordination.

V. New Business