Minutes of the 10/20/2008 Meeting

WAC:  October 20, 2008 BJS

To access the blog: wac.carthage.edu

Attendance: Anne Cassidy, Jean Preston, Ed Montanaro, Jonathan Marshall, Chris Renaud, Mark Snavely, David Steege, Rick Matthews, Barbara Short.

Minutes are approved from last meeting on Oct. 6th.

Course approval for Writing Intensive:

·         Laura Rodman Huaracha: CDM 315 History of Graphic Design: approved

·         Tom Powers: Criminal Justice 302 American Courts: approved with Rick’s mentoring

·         Anne Cassidy: ART 306 Masterpieces in Asian Art and Architecture: approved


Waiver Requests:


·         Kelsey Stewart: waiving one dept. requirement bio 251 is offered now as writing intensive and wasn’t when the student took it in the past. Taught the same. Transitional issue, accepted.

·         Melissa Chakkian: resubmit to make the case that the WI course requirement applies to her, denied.

·         Laura Potter: waiving one dept. requirement bio 251 is offered now as writing intensive and wasn’t when the student took it in the past. Taught the same. Transitional issue, accepted

·         JoAnna Huszla: waiving one dept. requirement bio 251 is offered now as writing intensive and wasn’t when the student took it in the past. Taught the same. Transitional issue, accepted

·         Sarai Nieto: Spanish major who has already taken the courses before they were writing intensive in the major, accepted the waiver request.


Report on Fall 2008 WAC workshops:

Marty Townsend’s input and report by Rick Matthews: Part of a larger year end report. Number of faculty and most of faculty are made eligible to teach WI classes. We will talk more in the spring about who needs to get into the program and specialty workshops.  The report summarized our WAC meeting with Marty. Rick’s role is to make sure everything gets done with faculty and communication occurs. Rick met with Judy Schaumberg. 1) Webpage for WAC will be designed. People don’t know what is going on: goal of the webpage. Faculty, students, transfers will be served. 2) Talk to development dept. to create a summary sheet for students. Adult education is an issue. Rick talked to Mike. They need courses on the books to serve adult students. Seven majors served in adult ed.  and most don’t have WI in adult education. It’s the responsibility of the dept. to make sure classes are WI at night. Regular faculty may teach in adult education. There is money from adult ed. to pay for training of adjuncts and faculty to take and teach workshops.  Faculty may be asked to teach some of the workshops before next Fall.  We are in phase 2 of development; now we are moving toward a stabilized program. There are over 90 classes this academic year identified as WI. Working with dept. chairs will be important. Assessment by the dept. chairs will be crucial to make sure objectives for the dept. are being met. Dept. that don’t have WI courses: athletic training, Asian studies, great ideas; Rick will be contacting them. Transition for adding WI designation has been smooth because faculty are doing writing already in their classes. More strategic and long-term thinking is hard to do with the committee when we are doing tedious work.


Form for departments to add WI designation to courses after they have been taught: create a simple form for dept. chairs to fill out and request, which would create a written record.


Next meeting is yet to be set.


Courses approved via e-vote, 10/2008

Clas 275: Research Methods, Chris Von Dehsen
Engl 106: Interpreting Literature, Amy Bruning
Genl 691: Entrepreneurship in the Arts, Dimitri Shapovalov and Matt Boresi
Gifw 241: Foundations of the Natural Sciences, Brian Schwartz
Mgmt 490: Business Policy Seminar, Mary Krome
Phys 408: Observational Astrophysics, Doug Arion
Reli 100: Understandings of Religion, Chris Von Dehsen
Reli 275: Research Methods, Chris Von Dehsen
Soci 143: Cultural Anthropology, Mathew Somlai

Minutes of the 10/6/2008 WAC Committee Meeting

Oct. 6, 2008 WAC committee meeting
Present: Mark Snavely, Ryan Ringhand, David Steege, Barbara Short, Rick Matthews, Ed Montanaro, Jonathan Marshall
1. Approval of Minutes
Approved as of what is on the web
2. Election of Committee Chair
Mark Snavely: chair continued: letting FEC know.
3. Approval of new course proposals
• Ellen Hauser: revised syllabus Theory of Women in Gender Studies WOGS 311: 40 % that is non-exams: approved. Spring 09
• Jean Preston and Ruth Fangmeier: Growing Old in America WOGS/ENG 271 Spring 09; approved
• Ruth Fangmeier: Social Work 471 Family Violence: Spring 09; approved
• Michelle Bonn: 2 sections EXSS 301 Tests and Measurements; Spring 09: approved
• Rick Matthews: SOC 499 Senior Seminar; Spring 09
4. Waiver Requests
• Dan Conder: Elementary major: asking to waiver college waiver. Denied because he will get his writing intensive courses through the dept.
• Alpha Sabbithi: Religion major: 2 more semesters: asking to waiver 4th WI class; Denied and encouraged to schedule a writing intensive class and resubmit if this isn’t possible later.
• Jason Ossobatto: marketing major, 5th year transfer: requesting one in the major being waived; scheduling conflicts; accepting
• Aaron Hill: International political economy and Asian Studies minor; asking writing course in major and outside waived; took Art Cyr class that he thought was approved; transfer student; POLS 405 is writing intensive in Spring 09; major denied. Outside the major POLS 205 fall 07 should have been writing intensive; accept the request.
5. Report on Fall 2008 WAC workshops: meet in two weeks to talk.
6. Form for departments to add WI designation to courses after they have been taught.
7. Unfinished Business
• Dept. Chairs need to flag writing intensive courses for each semester; JoDonna gets the information from dept. chairs for the schedule. Then Mark Snavely double checks the list. We need proposals by Oct. 15 this term for approval for next term. Please have advisors not tell students that courses are writing approved if they aren’t.
• Course information is stored on our computers and the data base.
• Whole class of POLS 205 gets WI credit: Ryan to check.
• Adult Education: getting adjuncts certified: Rick meeting with Mike.
8. New Business
WAC workshop report on Oct. 20 1-2pm
Rick meeting with Judith and webpages/background issues in the meantime.