Minutes from the 10/24/07 Meeting

WAC Meeting Minutes


Mark Snavely
Maria Carrig
Rick Matthews
Alan Wallace
Michelle Bonn
David Steege
Jean Preston

W.I. Workshop Completion Certificates will be signed and distributed to faculty next week.

The Committee will meet next on Thursday, November 8th, at 3 p.m.

The Committee conditionally approved Christine Renaud’s W.I. course proposal for the J-term trip, Greek Religions, pending a clarified explanation of the application of process writing in the course.

Rick Matthews shared with the Committee a letter he composed to Mike West regarding Adult Education and the Writing Intensive Requirement. The Committee agreed that the letter should be sent to Mike West with one minor change.

Because W.I. is moving from development to implementation, Alan Wallace recommended adding a standing agenda item, Management and Maintenance, to all WAC meeting agendas. The Committee agreed.

Alan Wallace will continue to work with Temple Burling to develop a Writing Mentorship Program to assist new faculty with the teaching of writing.

The Committee agreed that the WAC should request time on the December and May faculty meeting agendas to report on W.I. progress.

Dan Miller will be invited to the next WAC Committee meeting to discuss the assessment process.

Michelle Bonn presented two transfer student requests for W.I. requirement waivers.

Matthew Yonkers’ request was deferred until he is closer to graduation to see if he is able to access the needed Writing Intensive courses.

Phillip Janik’s waiver request was approved because he is so close to graduation and because he has already completed his major requirements.

Michelle Bonn will speak with Gary Williams to see that Advising checklist forms have been updated to reflect W.I. requirements.

Respectfully Submitted by Jean Preston